Ep. 51: Sales & Marketing Coach, Rodney Hughes
Rodney Hughes is the Founder of MarketingSS, based out of Atlanta, GA. Rodney is an Author, Professional Speaker, and Sales & Marketing Coach that focuses on delivering accelerated results through collaborative and creative problem solving. Whether conducting a speaking session, training or coaching session, he has the strong reputation for delivering tangible outcomes and over-delivering on results. Having served clients in over 12 countries and 42 US states, Rodney has a tremendous amount of experience helping people who genuinely want to experience significant change in their lives.
Rodney Hughes – Show Notes
What inspired you and how did you get started?
Rodney had his first exposure to sales and marketing when his dad was part owner of a car dealership. He says that his father was amazing to watch and had a way with people that resulted in sales.
“By the time he got done, it was almost like people were eating out of the palm of his hand”
Rodney got into sales after college, as an insurance agent for the State of Florida, which was a 100% commission job.
“It took all of a week to go from absolutely loving the sales and marketing field to absolutely hating the sales and marketing game”
He doesn’t believe that anyone is born with a natural ability to sell, and that it’s something that needs to be appreciated and worked at.
“(Sales) is such an integral part of what we do day-to-day, whether you consider yourself to be a business person or not”
Rodney teaches the people he works with a common-sense approach towards exponentially growing their business. He shares that he is not a fan of the “gurus” of today.
“Sometimes, people make things very complicated so that they can charge more for it”
He notes that he started aggressively investing in himself, by reading and watching videos. By doing this, he realized that “learners become earners,” and that it would open up opportunities for him.
Rodney went into the radio industry, the training and development along with starting his own personal training firm in the field of health and fitness.
The fitness industry was challenging as he ran out of bandwidth doing one-on-one training. He also says that he realized that he had to operate from a position of truth and admit that the business wasn’t for him.
“I determined that I actually liked working out myself more than I liked training other people”
He now trains entrepreneurs, including fitness professionals, on how to find clients, connect with them and develop a business relationship.
How do you do this?
Rodney notices a lot of personal trainers trying to be for everybody, which means they’re really about for nobody. He notes that large corporations like Walmart and McDonald’s invest millions and billions of dollars to connect with everyone, but small businesses must niche down to connect with their ideal customer.
He says that if an entrepreneur doesn’t understand how to sell and get money from the marketplace, eventually he or she will be out of business.
“You’re only in one business; you’re in the money-getting business. Never forget that.”
He says this has nothing to do with greed; it has to do with the focusing on the principles of generating a profit.
Can you give a success story?
With one client, Rodney created a squeeze page and irresistible offer to give him the vehicle to collect information so that he could build a relationship on a weekly basis with prospective customers that expressed interest. Over time, he received a lot of business just because he found creative ways to stay in communication with people.
“If you don’t stay on the top level of people’s minds, they will forget you”
What is your biggest challenge?
His biggest challenge today is finding ways to connect with a broader audience. To do this, he’s created a mentorship program called “Project 5000.” He says this initiative is a way to reach people that couldn’t necessarily afford his one-on-one services.
What is your biggest success?
Rodney cites helping his best friend by challenging his limiting beliefs as a major success, even though his friend wasn’t technically a client of his. As a result, his friend made over $8,000/month, when he previously never made more than $20,000 per year.
What books have impacted you the most?
His own book, “Selling Domination,” “How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling” by Frank Bettger, “The 10X Rule” by Grant Cardone and “Average Skill Phenomenal Will” by Dr. Eric Thomas are the books that Rodney says have impacted him the most.
Who is your ideal client?
Rodney shares that his ideal clients are someone who owns a business with sales professionals looking to increase performance fast, and sales professionals struggling to hit targets who are serious about winning in business.
Learn how you can get started as a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and MONETIZE your Nutrition Knowledge:
Lisa and Lucho Crisalle are the founders of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc., and the creators of the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, CEU accredited home study program. They are Business Coaches focused on helping personal trainers, coaches, health practitioners and fitness industry experts Monetize Their Nutrition Knowledge with a proven SYSTEM to CONVERT Prospects into High Paying Clients; CREATE Custom Meal Plans based on the Individual; and AUTOMATE their Business to Add an Additional $10,000+ per month.
To get a copy of their ground breaking e-book “7 Proven Steps to Fill Your Nutrition Practice – and the 7 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid” that will work hand in hand with this Podcast to help you transform your business, go to https://monetizeyournutritionknowledge.com/7steps
“Discipline is a muscle and the way that you build it is you use it more often.” ~Jeff Goins
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Helpful Resources:
To learn about becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ and implement a SYSTEM for your Nutrition business, check out www.NutritionCertification.com
And, to truly fast track your business, add $10,000+ per month and work with us hands-on to create a complete Custom Program for your business, join us for 3 days in Las Vegas! Learn all that is included and Register at: www.MonetizeYourNutritionKnowledge.com
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